Creating Slideshow in JavaScript

In lesson 28, we have learned how to create rotating banners without links and with links. In this lesson, we will modify the JavaScript code for the rotating banners into a slideshow.

The JavaScript code for the slideshow is almost similar to the JavaScript code of the rotating banners but it gives control to the user to choose the banner ads he or she  wants to see by clicking on the forward and backward buttons.

Click JavaScript Tutorial Lesson 29 to learn how to create a slideshow in JavaScript

Managing Banners Ads in JavaScript

Displaying banners ads is a common practice for showing advertisements on webpages to the visitors. Banners ads are normally created using standard graphic tools such as Photoshop, Painbrush Pro and other software. Banner ads can be static or animated. Animated images are animated GIF files or flash movies. Flash movies are created using Macromedia flash and the browsers must have installed flash plugin to view the movies. On the other hand, you can create some animated effect using JavaScript, like rotating static banner ads at a  certain time interval.

Learn more about banner ads in JavaScript in our latest JavaScript tutorial:



Creating Cookies in JavaScript

According to Wikipedia, a cookie is a small piece of information sent from a website and stored in a user’s web browser or hard disk while a user is browsing the website. It is also known as web cookie or browser cookie. The function of the cookie is to remember and retrieve the web browsing history of the user. Therefore, it can be used to personalize the webpage that a user visit. It is a safe and secure method to store data that the user wish to use later.

In this new lesson, you will learn how to use JavaScript to create cookies. As we have learned in previous lessons, JavaScript is a scripting language so you can use any text editor to write JavaScipt’s cookies. Read more by following the link below:

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a scripting language that works with HTML to enhance web pages and make them more interactive.What is a scripting language? A script is made up of a sequence of statements that give instructions for the computer to perform certain tasks, for examples, like providing a response to the users, to play a song, to start a slide show, to display certain advertisements and so on. JavaScript can turn a web page into a lively interactive platform for the world wide web users! JavaScript is a scripting language for HTML. By using JavaScript , you can add sound, date, time, change the color of the web page according to certain day, prevalidate data entered into a form by the user before it is sent to the server, search through a database, set options based on users preferences and much more.

Read on by following the link below: