In JavaScript, using comparison operators allows us to write decision making procedures . If a certain condition is met, JavaScript will execute an action, otherwise there is no action or it will take alternative action. The following are the comparison operators:

  • x==y
  • x!=y
  • x>y
  • x<y
  • x>=y
  • x<=y

You need to use the if and elseif keywords together with the comparison operators to write the decision making procedures.

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Performing Liner Search in JavaScript

The ability to perform search is one of the key functions of any programming languages. We don’t have to look very fast, just take a look at Google, the most popular search engine in the world. Due to its exclusive and highly effective search algorithm, it commands a major portion of the search engine market, and hence the search advertising market. In fact, it captured more than 60% of the Internet advertising market!

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