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Lesson 12 Chaining

In previous lessons, we have learned how to write jQuery commands one at a time. In actual fact, we can combine the jQuery commands or methods together, the process is called chaining. The selector is:


or you can place them on seperate lines.


To learn the details of chaining, we suggest you get a copy of JavaScript & jQuery Made Easy.

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ISBN: 979-8637083176

Price: $30.00


Dear Friend, JavaScript Made Easy is an eBook written by the webmaster of our JavaScript Tutorial , Dr.Liew. It complements our free online tutorial by providing a complete tutorial for beginners. By reading this book ,you can:
  • Understand the basic concepts of JavaScript & jQuery.
  • Create your own JavaScript & jQuery Codes.
  • Get ideas from many interesting sample codes.
  • Modify the codes easily to suit your needs.
  • Learn how to implement JavaScript & jQuery on your website.
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Warmest Regards (Dr.Liew Voon Kiong)

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